Nairobi Airport
I continue to make relatively
rapid progress at capturing our Madagascar trip in print. When I last left you, we had just tumbled,
shell-shocked and covered in dust, off our 4x4 trip from the lower reaches of
Hades into a hotel in Ambilobe where we did battle with the forces of evil
embodied in our driver.
The razor-sharp limestone of the tsingy
Ambling around
Perfect camouflage |
We slept pretty well that night,
although not nearly long enough, as we hadn’t gotten to sleep until well after
midnight. The next day, Wednesday
November 23
rd, dawned bright and sunny and cheerful, and when we
cautiously put our heads outside our room, we found that our murderously angry
driver of the night before had vanished along with his infernal vehicle. We felt stiff, dry-throated and tired and
decided to walk around to find water, food and more money from an ATM. Ambilobe was a slight shock to the system
after tiny Daraina, with actual pavement on its main road and several ATMs
downtown. We caught a local taxi into
town, found an ATM, then found a small restaurant for breakfast. By 10 am we were back at the hotel and had
rented a small tuk tuk to take us 30 km north along the highway to Ankarana
National Park. At 50,000 MGA (about 15
euros), it was a bit extravagant, but after the previous day’s horrorshow,
Terri was very reluctant to try to cram herself into another overcrowded
Hook-billed vanga on his nest |
It was an uneventful, mostly flat
drive north along the highway, past dry, overgrazed wasteland. This western side of northern Madagascar is
even drier than Daraina, and the human population pressure has resulted in very
little wilderness surviving. The land
looked tired and unprosperous, although I assume that when the rains come in
December things perk up a bit. We got to
our destination, Chez Aurelian, a rambling cottage complex at the main eastern
entrance to the park, checked in and then set about a fairly lazy
afternoon. I went for a long run across
the empty fields across the highway; I didn’t see another human being once I
left the main road. Afterwards we
lunched with Bruno, the 2CV driver we had met in Daraina; I was once again
astonished that he could drive such an underpowered, lightweight, low-clearance
car through such a challenging obstacle course of boulders, mud and
vehicle-sized holes. I spent the
afternoon working on a blog post about Botswana, then went off with Terri,
Bruno and Bruno’s sister and friend to go to the Ankarana Lodge, where the
better-heeled tourists stay for 100 euros per person per night, full board. We bought a round of caipirinhas and had a
delightful swim in their swimming pool, chatting up a storm with our French
hosts. When it got dark we put-putted
back to Chez Aurelian in the little yellow car-that-could and had dinner, a
delicious mangrove crab feast that reminded us that we were not very far from
the swampy west coast.
Terri on one of the bridges in Ankarana
Great camouflage! |
The following morning we got up
and had breakfast in a restaurant that had two speeds of service: slow and slothful. Terri was unimpressed with the staff’s very
lackadaisical attitude, but it was a nice place to sit and watch birds in the
garden. By 8 am we were at the park
entrance, paying the extravagant 65,000 MGA (about 19 euros) entrance fee per
person, plus the 90,000 guide fee. At
210,000 MGA (about 63 euros) for the two of us for a day’s outing, it was not a
cheap day out. It was, however, worth
it. Our guide, Laurier, was
knowledgeable and keen (as was usually our experience with national park
guides) and the forest and landscape are distinctive and wonderful.
We started out trudging along a
road that led eventually to the original entrance post to the park, now
derelict, and a new entrance building that is under construction. The forest was dry but pretty dense and full
of birds. It was a flat, easy walk, and
along the way we spotted plenty of crested couas and paradise flycatchers. We went first to the Perte des Rivieres, a
sinkhole that in the rainy season swallows three separate rivers into the
thirsty karst topography of the park. In
the dry season there is no water, and the sinkhole looks like a menacing portal
into the underworld. As we stood
watching, we spotted a pair of hook-billed vangas taking turns to sit on a nest
high in a tree while its mate went foraging for insects.
Crested coua |
We continued on our way into the
park along the main trail, spotting a couple of sleeping Ankarana sportive
lemurs (
Lepilemur ankaranensis); these nocturnal lemurs spend the day sitting
nestled in a crack in a tree trunk to protect themselves from predators, only
their faces visible. Laurier claimed
that they are blind during the day, but that seems unlikely. They rate highly on the cuteness scale, and
we got a few good photos of them.
Bat in Ankarana
Eventually our path abandoned the
cool shade of the forest and ventured out onto the bare rock of the tsingy.
This is a landscape typical of western Madagascar, consisting of bare
limestone that has been eroded by rain into a series of sharp ridges that are
almost impossible to walk across, shredding shoes and feet and bodies. The Malagasy name comes from an expression
meaning “to walk on tiptoes”, which pretty accurately describes how you would
want to try to traverse them. The heat
up on top of the tsingy was
tremendous, with the light grey of the limestone reflecting the fierce sunlight
up into our faces. There were a few
hardy bushes which had pushed roots into the rock, some with violently red
blossoms that contrasted sharply with the monochrome stone surroundings. The tsingy
were a strange and alien world that extended far away to the horizon. Much of the national park consists of tsingy, and the park was established to
preserve this distinctive environment, although there is a big area in the
centre of the park that has been invaded by thousands of sapphire miners and is
now off-limits to tourists for security reasons. Madagascar’s national parks are under threat
all over the country, but this seems as stark an example of this as you could
ask for.
Male paradise-flycatcher |
Our path picked its way a bit
through the knife edges, down into small canyons, across small hanging bridges
and eventually down through a dark cavern.
Inside the cave we came across a couple of bats hanging peacefully at
the exit which made for good photographic subjects. From here we turned back towards the forest
and its shade, escaping the furnace-like conditions we had been in for the past
hour and a half. We wandered back
through the woods, running into groups of a new species of lemur, Sanford’s
brown lemur (Eulemur sanfordi), as well as some of the crowned lemurs we had
seen a few days earlier in Daraina. We
wandered out of the park back to Chez Aurelian after five very enjoyable hours
of walking and wildlife spotting. We
were a bit drained by the heat, and after lunch we napped before heading out in
search of mangoes; the forests near Aurelian are full of mangoes which were in
season, and we found a number of ripe ones to eat. In the process we ran into another party of
Sanford’s brown lemurs who were also in search of mangoes. Another mangrove crab dinner and we were off
to bed early.
Ankarana sportive lemur
Overall Ankarana was a very
worthwhile (if overpriced) park, with a landscape that was completely new to
us, along with new lemur species. It’s
an enjoyable place for walking, and the village is very quiet; we could have
spent another day or two there quite easily.
A splash of colour in the limestone of the tsingy
A Tropical Idyll in
Nosy Be
The next morning, Friday November
25th, was a day of getting places.
We were keen to head south down the coast to the little island of Nosy
Be, and we were keen to make it as painless as possible. Our tuk tuk driver of two days previously
came to pick us up for another 50,000 MGA and we asked how much it would cost
to bring us past Ambilobe all the way to the ferry dock at Ankify. Given that it was about 3 or 4 times as far
as the run to Ambilobe, we thought he might offer to do it for 150,000 or
200,000 MGA, a price that Terri was willing to pay to avoid another
taxi-brousse ride. Instead, after
prolonged consultation with the guys from Chez Aurelian, he asked for 1.5
million ariary, ten times what would have been reasonable. We decided to take the lift to Ambilobe for
50,000 MGA and hop a taxi-brousse from there.
It wasn’t too painful, as we got the front seats to Ambanja and then
seats in a car that wasn’t even full for the short hop from Ambanja to
Ankify. Once there we hopped onto a
speedboat for a pricey 30,000 MGA per person and almost immediately regretted
it, as we were near the bow and got absolutely hammered by the boat crashing
from wave to wave in the afternoon chop.
Terri in particular suffered from getting her spine pummelled. We hopped onto a tuk tuk in Hellville harbour
and had him drive us to Madirokely Beach, about 8 km west of town, where we had
the name of a good, cheap place to stay from Bruno, our 2CV friend. His place, Chez Senga, was full, but they directed
us next door to the Beluga Apartments where 87,000 MGA a night got us a big,
bright, quiet apartment right on the beach.
We took it, not knowing how good a choice it would prove to be.
Late afternoon light over Madirokely Beach
Quite quickly our life on Nosy Be
took on a pleasant, easy rhythm. We
bought baguettes, butter, honey and jam, along with lots of fresh fruit, and
would start the day with a leisurely breakfast right on the beach in front of
Beluga. Some days we would go out and do
touristy things, while other days revolved around mornings of running and
swimming and doing yoga on the sand.
Whatever we got up to during the day, we tried to be in the water for a
late-afternoon swim, and then to watch the sun set over the ocean in a riot of
reds and oranges either with a cold beer or a homemade caipirinha. Dinner was often fish kebabs ordered from a
little restaurant just behind Senga and consumed with another beer and some
cold gas water. It was a pretty easy
existence to get used to, and hard to tear ourselves away from. After the grimness of Madagascar’s towns and
cities, and the pain of getting to Nosy Be, it was hard to face leaving our
little corner of paradise.
After a couple of fairly lazy
days at first, Monday November 28th found us undertaking one of the
best things you can do on Nosy Be in November and December: swimming with whale sharks. There is one outfit, Rand’eau Baleine, based
at Chez Senga, that runs trips every day to snorkel with these gentle and
endangered giants of the ocean, the largest fish in the world. A Belgian marine biologist, Stella, is
combining studies of the whale shark population at Nosy Be with working as a
tour guide, and she was our guide.
Between her and the keen eyes of our boat captain, Captain Black, we had
constant encounters with the whale sharks.
We must have swum a dozen or maybe 15 times, and each time we went into
the water it was an adrenaline-filled adventure. I swam with whale sharks back in 2007 in Donsol,
in the Philippines, and had enjoyed it, but this was better. Donsol had very murky water and it was hard
to see the whale sharks clearly enough to follow them. Off Nosy Be the water was very clear and we
could see every detail of the sharks’ markings, and we could follow them for
minutes on end, finning furiously to keep up.
We had a few swims where we went in after one shark only to find a
second one swimming past at a different angle.
A couple of times I had to take evasive maneuvers to avoid being run
into as the big fish cruised past. Terri
and I got the hang of following the sharks, and often we were the last ones to
give up the chase far from where the boat had dropped us. Just before we gave up for the morning, Terri
had one particularly memorable swim in which she got into the whale’s
slipstream and was pulled along almost without effort on her part, while the
whale shark turned its eye to look up at her.
She was absolutely elated when she climbed back into the boat.
On our way to Lokobe |
Stella would always jump in with
her camera equipment, including a pair of laser pointers that showed up as two
dots on the shark’s back to help give a scale.
The pattern of white and blue dots on a whale shark are enough to
identify an individual unambiguously, and scientists maintain a worldwide
database of such photos to try to keep tabs of whale sharks’ movements around
the world. She also from time to time
went in alone with a biopsy probe to take a small sample of skin from the
shark’s dorsal fin. It was exciting to
be part of ongoing research, and wonderful to see the rare whale sharks in such
numbers. We finally called it a morning
around noon and bade goodbye to the gentle spotted giants to head to Nosy
Sakatia, a nearby island, for a huge and delicious banquet lunch. After lunch we changed our focus to reptiles
as we went snorkelling with green turtles in encouragingly large numbers. A few of them were really big, old turtles
contentedly sitting on the bottom munching on seagrass, while there were a
couple of really small youngsters swimming around much more actively. We returned to shore in the afternoon
absolutely elated; Stella told us that it had been easily the best day of the
season so far.
Female black lemur |
The next day found us renting a
motor scooter and setting off to see another species of lemur, the black lemur
Eulemur macaco) in the Lokobe Nature
Reserve on the southeast corner of the island.
We drove into town, past the inevitable traffic police bribe stations
(we were only stopped twice, and showing my license and the scooter’s papers
got us through for free), and then turned north from Hellville along a paved
road. After ten kilometres or so, we
turned off onto a dirt track, pursued by three would-be guides on
bicycles. Since the track was in poor
shape (surprise!), the trio had no difficulties in keeping pace with us. We ended up hiring them once we got to the
tiny village at the end of the track, where we parked the scooter. The three guys loaded us into an outrigger
pirogue and paddled and pushed us (it was extremely low tide) south along the
coast for a few kilometres to the entrance to the reserve, a fairly sizeable
village. It was scorchingly hot, and
even walking into the forest’s shade did little to cool us down. The forest was all secondary growth, much of
it overgrown fruit orchards from before the days of the nature reserve. The fruit attracts lemurs in reasonable
numbers, and we had little difficulty in spotting several troops of black
lemurs. Despite their name, the females
are in fact brown and white and very striking in their appearance, and leap about
the trees with their youngsters on their backs with typical agility. We got some good photos of them along with a
decent view of two grey-backed sportive lemurs (
Lepilemur dorsalis), nocturnal species that sleep by day in the
hollows of tree trunks. The only problem
with our excursion in the forest was that for the first time in Madagascar we
were plagued by clouds of mosquitoes, a problem that resulted in us cutting
short our walk and retreating to the sea breezes and lavish fish lunch awaiting
us back in the village.
Female black lemur at Lokobe
Sated to the point of exploding,
we were paddled back to our scooter through much deeper water (the tide had
come in), paid off our guides (it cost about 60,000 MGA, about US$ 18, for the
two of us, including transport, guiding and entrance to the reserve, although I
sincerely doubt that the reserve will ever receive a single ariary from our
trio) and set off on our return scooter ride.
We rode home the long way, around the north of the island, a much less
populated and less visited area than the south.
There were big plantations of ylang ylang, an essential oil, and tiny
villages, along with a few nice views.
We spent Wednesday, November 30th
in complete sloth, punctuated by some running and swimming along the beach, a
long siesta and some reading. Madirokely
Beach was an easy place to while away a hot tropical day, with caipirinhas and
fish kebabs at the end of the day.
Thursday, December 1st
we went out scuba diving for the morning with Silvia, the irrepressible Swiss
woman who runs Forever Dive. We were
joined by three French divers, one of them an accountant living on Reunion, the
other two dive instructors from France.
We went out to Nosy Tanikely, a marine reserve island about 30 minutes
off our beach. On the way across we
again spotted Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins frolicking in the waves. We did two very relaxed 1-hour dives that
were pretty and pleasant without being spectacular. We had quite a few hawksbill turtles (always
a good sign of the health of the marine environment), healthy coral, lots of
blue-spotted rays, a large lobster, a pipefish and several decent-sized
tuna. It was good to visit the
underwater world again after a few months away.
We returned to a lazy afternoon of reading and strolling along the
Shadows of lacework, a Nosy Be specialty
Friday was a frustrating day of
logistics. Travel in Madagascar is made
more complicated than it should be by a lack of information. We wanted to get back to Antananarivo while
spending less money than a flight (200 euros) and having greater comfort than
in a standard taxi-brousse (Terri was still experiencing PTSD after the ride to
Ambilobe). We had asked about arranging
a car and driver to take us to Tana, and after much time-wasting, we were
quoted a price of 1.4 million MGA, or about 400 euros, which was so ridiculous
that we had little choice but to laugh. We
had heard that there were “premier classe” minibuses to Tana, but nobody seemed
to know where they left from, what their schedule was or how to contact their
offices. We rented a scooter and headed
into Hellville through a cloudburst that flooded lowlying section of road. We got to the offices of Evasion Sans
Frontieres, a travel agency, and found the same lack of basic knowledge that we
had encountered elsewhere. The clerk
with whom we talked promised to phone around and find out if there were any
departures for Tana in the next few days.
We had an excellent lunch in a downtown restaurant and returned, hopeful
that we could escape Nosy Be cheaply and painlessly. A phone call from our helpful clerk, however,
shattered our hopes by saying that the company she had contacted didn’t have
any departures for the next week.
Finally, however, another company which we had contacted a couple of
days previously got back to us to point us towards an outfit that ran daily
minibuses. I tried to talk to them on
the phone, but it was impossible to make out what was being said as Telma’s
mobile phone network makes it sound as though you’re talking to someone at the
bottom of a deep well, possibly underneath the water surface. I drove back into town and managed, at last,
to book seats for Sunday to Tana. It
cost 80,000 MGA per seat, and we splurged and bought 3 seats for the two of us
to give us extra room, so it cost us 120,000 MGA, about US$ 35, per
person. Cheaper than flying, but not
particularly cheap given the price of everything else in the country.
One very sizeable spider! |
At any rate we now had only one
day left on Nosy Be, so we booked a snorkelling trip out to Nosy Iranja for the
next morning. We set out late on a boat
full of Italian package tourists (Italians seem to have a real love affair with
Madagascar in general, and Nosy Be in particular) and our 90-minute speedboat
ride was punctuated by a series of encounters with big marine creatures. We stopped to look at a pair of whale sharks
that were circling lazily near the surface; one of them did two complete
leisurely laps of our boat, close enough to see all its markings, with one eye
turned upwards to watch us. While we
were stopped, a pair of Omura’s whales, a species only recognized and described
a decade ago, breached near the boat, while a pod of spinner dolphins erupted
from the water in displays of amazing aerial acrobatics. We were buzzing with adrenaline from seeing
three species of aquatic megafauna in one place when we finally set off again.
Nosy Iranja is a picture-perfect
tropical island, or rather two islands connected by a very long sand spit that
is submerged at high tide. The blinding
white of the sand and the aquamarine water of its shallow are very pretty
indeed. Terri and I spent a couple of
happy hours snorkelling in the shallows; it was such a low tide that we were
reduced to pulling ourselves along on our fingertips rather than kicking our
feet. There were lots of small fish,
including shrimp gobies guarding their shrimp’s burrows in the sand. At one point I heard a panicked shout from
Terri and raced over to see what was wrong.
A big animal had surfaced near her and then gone down again and Terri
thought it was a shark. We could see it
nearby in the shallow water and it did look big and menacing, but eventually we
realized it was a big turtle who had surfaced for air. Panic over, we slowly drifted back towards
the beach and then headed over to the immense lunch that was included in our 90,000
(US$ 29) MGA price per person. It was a
feast of ridiculous proportions, with shrimp, mangrove crab and two entire huge
fish to go with rice, vegetables and pineapple.
We could once again hardly walk away from the lunch table, and after a
short second spell of swimming, we climbed reluctantly onto the speedboat to
head back to Madirokely. It was a great
way to end our eight days on Nosy Be, and well worth the price of the day
trip. We had a final sunset on the
beach, a final feed of fish kebabs and then packed our bags, ready for an early
Male black lemur, Lokobe |
Sunday, December 4
saw us breakfast on the beach one last time, pay our room bill and then climb
into a taxi to take us to Hellville. We
dropped our luggage at the minibus office and walked to the pier to wait for
our taxi, only to have a big argument with the porters who carried our bags and
who wanted 10,000 MGA a bag; if we had known it would be a problem, we would
have carried our own bags. A much
longer, more heated and even more pointless argument between the boat captain
and the minibus company man delayed our departure by almost 45 minutes before
we finally set off. The morning sea was
much calmer than on our outward journey, and soon enough we were at the pier in
Ankify and transferring into a Mercedes Sprinter minibus for the short hop to
Ambanja. We had a couple of hours to
wait there; we were two of the few passengers coming from Nosy Be; the rest of
the passengers were joining us at 1 pm in Ambanja. We passed the time eating lunch and wandering
the dusty streets of the town before finally getting underway. It was a pretty comfortable ride, much better
than any taxi-brousse we had taken so far, and having the extra seat made a
huge difference in terms of leg and shoulder room. I put on my iPod and listened to podcasts
most of the way. It was an overnight
bus, and after a stop for supper at 8:30 pm we drove through the night. I slept reasonably well, but I was glad to
make it into town at 7:30 am. We booked
seats on another “premiere classe” line for the next day to take us south, then
caught a clapped-out Renault taxi through the teeming, unlovely streets of Tana
to our usual base at the Hotel Sole for a day of catching up on sleep.
The tsingy landscape of Ankarana
Overall we both enjoyed Ankarana
and Nosy Be, although the cost of visiting Ankarana seemed a bit
excessive. The one big downer to Nosy Be
is that, like Thailand, the Philippines and parts of Cambodia, it is a major
sex tourism destination for French and Italian middle-aged (and elderly)
men. The other end of Madirokely Beach
from where we stayed has a series of bars and nightclubs that run on this
trade, and the late-afternoon passegiata on the beach features dozens of
sixty-something European men holding hands with eighteen-year-old Malagasy
girls. That said, it’s certainly on a
much smaller scale than in places like Pattaya and Angeles City, and our end of
the beach was much less sleazier in this respect.
Yet another wonderful chameleon species in Ankarana
Nosy Be was a welcome
vacation-within-a-vacation, a place to unwind from the rigours and annoyances
of life on the Malagasy road. It was
nice to be able to drive ourselves around on a scooter (at 25,000 MGA, or about
US$ 8, per day, it’s a relative bargain) and staying right on the beach was
good for our soul. Swimming and running
along the beach were good ways to get a bit of exercise, and having breakfast
and sundowners on the sand made great bookends to our days. The excursions available were all worthwhile,
and the whale-shark watching is absolutely world-class and worth a special trip
to Nosy Be. I’m not sure I would live
full-time on Nosy Be, or for a few months every year, as quite a few French
expats do (there are certainly much more appealing tropical islands to choose
from), but if you’re on Madagascar, Nosy Be is certainly a great place to spend
a week or so.
Madirokely is a good place to
base yourself on the island, and both Chez Senga (if you can get in) and Beluga
are good bargain choices; you can get slightly cheaper rooms inland from the
beach or in the sex-tourist village at the other end of the beach, but I think
location and pleasantness are worth paying a bit extra for. Rand’Eau Baleine is a very professional
outfit for seeing whale sharks, while Forever Dive is a very well-run dive shop
with good equipment and a very knowledgeable and professional owner,
Silvia. There are a dozen or more boats
offering snorkelling trips to various islands; Nosy Tanikely has great coral,
while Nosy Iranja doesn’t have as good marine life but is incredibly
pretty. Hiring your own scooter to go to
Lokobe is the way to go, rather than paying for a tour, as it’s a lot cheaper
and gives you a lot more control over the situation. The way to eat on Madirokely is not in the
more expensive beachfront restaurants but rather in the little locally-run
gargottes. We had one good meal down the
beach at a nameless beachfront gargotte, but mostly we bought take-out from the
gargotte right behind Chez Senga; we would have the food delivered to Senga,
which doesn’t have a restaurant, and we would eat our food washed down with a
cold beer from Senga’s bar. Senga is a
gathering spot for long-term French expats, and they mostly do exactly the same
thing. When in Rome…..
Crested coua |
Getting to Nosy Be, either fly if
money is no object (or if Nosy Be is your port of entry to the country, as is
the case for Air Austral, the airline of Reunion), or else take a premiere
classe minibus. Taking a regular
taxi-brousse overnight to save 10,000 MGA is an act of desperation. I cannot for the life of me recall the company name of our premiere classe minibus, but its office is in an Orange Money wire transfer office at the extreme far end of the main street of Hellville, next to the hospital and just before the road turns downhill to the ferry pier. There are probably others, but good luck finding them!
Another beautiful sunset over Madirokely beach |