Friday, January 1, 2021

Final thoughts on 2020

 Lipah, Bali, January 1, 2021

Every New Year's Eve for the past two decades, the Hazenbergs have made lists, haikus and resolutions. The lists are the top and bottom 3 things that happened in the old year, both for the world and personally, while the haikus are supposed to summarize the past year pithily. Here's what I came up with for 2020. Hope you enjoy them! Happy New Year!
Top 3 (World)
1. Rapid scientific response to covid-19, including the incredibly fast development of vaccines.
2. Taiwan and New Zealand showing the rest of the world how to respond to a pandemic effectively.
3. The increasingly rapid rise of renewable energy sources
Top 3 (Personal)
1. Getting my book Pedalling to Kailash into shape for publication.
2. Being reunited with Maree (which didn't look possible for a long time)
3. Playing lots of piano in the first half of the year in Tbilisi.
Bottom 3 (World)
1. The pandemic and most of the world's flailing response to it.
2. The infestation of much of the world by conspiracy theories.
3. The continuously increasing effects of anthropogenic climate change.
Bottom 3 (Personal)
1. Letting myself get much more out of shape than usual.
2. Losing my mojo and energy to get things done during the pandemic.
3. The indefinite delay of our long-anticipated resumption of Stanley's Travels.

And the haiku:

First Chinese rumours
Lead to deadly tsunami
Washing over world
Tiny particles
Produce gigantic effects
World grinds to a halt
Best laid plans wither
On the pandemic grapevine
As borders slam shut
"Distance learning" starts
Futile internet charade
Screams into the void
Wild conspiracies
Fermenting in idle minds
Dark Ages return

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